World Bible Institute Mission Philosophy
WBI Mission Philosophy
At World Bible Institute we strive to develop mission efforts that are indigenous and self-reliant. Simply stated, we do not try to “Americanize” the people but are sensitive to their cultural difference as we work with them. At the heart of our mission philosophy is the emphasis on developing our preacher schools, churches and all evangelistic efforts to eventually become self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating.
We seek local means of generating income and provide vocational training. Such will decrease the dependency on American funding.
Provide leadership training and emphasize the importance of developing and appointing elders in every church. We want the local brethren to make their own decisions.
We train and equip the local brethren to become missionaries themselves. In many instances our students establish schools and congregations in neighboring countries.
Our Mission Objective
Upon completion of his studies, the preacher will have been equipped to share the gospel, establish and grow a church, while supporting his family by means of the skills obtained in school.