Become a Partner
If you’ve ever been on a team, in a business deal, partner in a business, or married, you know what a partner is.
A partnership is at least two persons (partners) or more engaged in the same activity, cause, pursuit, or working toward a common goal.
The success of any endeavor, even related to the mission of the church, relates to the activities of each partner, i.e., each member of the body of Christ.
The church in Philippi was spotlighted by Paul for their partnership activities: And you Philippians yourselves know that in the be-ginning of the gospel, when I left Macedo-nia, no church entered into PARTNERSHIP with me in giving and receiving, except you only (Philippians 4:15). Because of your PARTNERSHIP in the gospel from the first day until now (Philippians 1:5).
A partner is a sharer in spreading the Gospel—a Christian. YOU!
There are numerous examples in the Bible of partnerships. Jesus chose 12 to train and send out on the Great Commission. The 3000 converts on the Day of Pentecost were trained for obeying the Great Commission given by Jesus.
Congregations were partnered with Paul and evangelism efforts. We are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building (1 Corinthians 3:9). Since its establishment in 2005 the World Bible Institute has been blessed with dedicated, involved, and sacrificial partners, brethren like you, who have supported the spreading of the Gospel in the USA, Philippines, Ghana, Mexico, El Salvador, India, Tan-zania, Ukraine, South Africa, Peru, Came-roon, Pakistan, Wales, and other places.
1. Through daily prayer for our global mission to reach the lost.
2. Through regular financial support.
3. Go on a mission trip.
4. Send local preacher to teach a short course.
5. Share the WBI story with others.
6. Invite a WBI staff member to share with your congregation.
7. Continue to stay up to date by visiting our website
8. By joining the WBI partners. Use the form on this brochure.